Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Trading Places

One concern for any bookstore that acts as a point of departure for a bookstore tour is that the customers being sent away to shop elsewhere will therefore be spending LESS than they WOULD HAVE at their friendly hometown bookstore! Therefore, I wonder if it could be possible to engage in customer swaps. That is -- originate a series of bookstore tours from a region with several indie bookstores, and send their customers to a different region that also has several indie bookstores. And: vice versa. Each town sends its customers to the other town on the bus, for fun.

I'm puzzling over whether this could work with New York City and Amherst, Mass. Here in Amherst we have quite a few fine indie bookstores, as well as Emily Dickinson House, Eric Carle Museum and the National Yiddish Book Center. Across the river in Northampton there are several more indie bookstores. Perhaps the NYC bookstores to which Pioneer Valley (Country Mouse) riders go would themselves be willing to engage in a quid pro quo. Those NYC bookstores could sell tickets for bustrips taking their City Mouse customers out to us here in the country...??

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